Backyard Skate 14x14 reproductions

Backyard Skate 14x14 reproductions


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14x14 limited edition giclée reproductions// 12x12 image size with 1 inch white border/ signed and numbered reproduction with archival ink

Backyard Skate

This original was completed in 2019 and was sold that same year in Duluth, MN. Originally the little hockey players were made for another original, but then were removed. In an effort to save their details I created a hockey rink using old books and Growler magazines. Zoom in closely to check out the details in the background and sky. This print was very popular during the 2019 show season.

This original was scanned and is reproduced by Terry at Artist’s Resource in Northeast, where his ever-improving technology is paving the way for textured reproductions. These high-color and detailed reproductions give a strong textured appearance even though they are printed flat.

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